Loyola Marymount University - Gift Planning

A Guide to Making Your Will

Direct Your Assets to the People and Causes You Care About Most

Creating a will or living trust is far more than just a legal process. It is an important way to extend your love, care, and generosity to family and friends. It is also an excellent way to support the work of Loyola Marymount University.

So why have 67% of U.S. adults not created a will?* Perhaps the whole thing seems too time-consuming, difficult or even mysterious. To overcome these obstacles, review this helpful guide that gives clear answers to the questions you may have.

Did you know? 67% of U.S. adults have not created a will.

*2021 study

A Guide to Making Your Will

What Does a Will Do?

Only you know the special circumstances of your family members and heirs, so it is important to discuss these factors with your estate planning attorney. However some common functions of a will include:

  • Names the executor or personal representative of your estate
  • Gives your property to those you choose, including gifts to nonprofit organizations
  • Sets up trusts to save on taxes and provide financial management
  • Names a guardian for minor children, or caregivers for pets
  • Ensures lifetime care for a child with a disability
  • Sets guidelines for distributions if you and your spouse die at the same time

Gifts to Nonprofit Organizations

Creating a gift to Loyola Marymount University can be as simple as a single sentence in your will or living trust. An example to discuss with your attorney is, “I give to Loyola Marymount University, 1 LMU Drive, Suite 2800, Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659, (the sum of $___ or ___ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate/trust) for its general purposes.”

Your attorney may suggest other components. Be prepared to talk about these items so you can walk away with a document that accomplishes your wishes.

A Guide to Making Your Will

What Does a Will Overlook?

While a will covers the majority of your assets, there are things that must pass outside of a will. Examples include payouts from life insurance policies, proceeds of retirement accounts, financial accounts designated as payable or transfer on death, or commercial annuities. Discuss with a financial professional which of your assets may need to be addressed independent of your will.

What Happens If You Do Not Have a Will?

If you die without a will, your estate will be divided according to laws in the state where you lived. The resulting transfer of assets may be very different from what you had wished. While certain family members will likely receive part of your estate, close friends or causes that you wanted to remember will not be included.

Good to Know

Be careful to store important papers where they are safe as well as reasonably accessible; do not put your original will or living trust in a bank’s safe-deposit box as it may be hard to access immediately after your passing.

A Guide to Making Your Will

Next Steps

We want to work with you to create a gift that best fits your circumstances and our needs. To learn more about including LMU in your plans, please contact us today.

LMU Gift Planning
Phone: 310.338.7526

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A Guide to Making Your Will

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